L.A.S. Edmond
Today we said bye to the kids that we're been hanging out with. It was so sweet! We took pictures with them and prayed with them. Before we left we hugged them and they didtn stop waving till we were completely out of sight. Ok the way to the bakery, we saw the old lady that we talked to on Tuesday. we have been praying that we would see her before we left and ther she was!! We got to say bye to her an everyting so that was really neat. Then 6 of us went to the other side of the park and sat on a hill overlooking the whole park. It was so beautifull. We started singing and then it started to rain. So we ran down and got under a overhang of a shop. we started singing more worship songs and it was kinda like God made it rains so we would be there. Some people gave us rude looks while we were singing but one guy actually sang with us! It was really cool! Oh yeah! I also sat in gum today. Tomorrow is our free day so I dont' t know what we are going to do. Ok- goodnight.
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