Sunday, July 09, 2006

CM, Moore, OK

Today was different! I enjoyed the new experience and seeing the sights but with the time change and jet lag I'm worn out! We walked so much today and we even climbed to the top of the Dome. It was amazing! We walked up and down over a thousand steps today! I'm excited to see what God is going to do this week!

CHT-Tulsa, OK

I got over my fear of flying and I am finally here! Everyone is super nice in my group and I hope I get to know some more of the people on this trip. Cologne is huge but it's been fun walking around the city all day. I'm very tired, but I can't wait to see what God is going to do with the rest of my week!

DT - Mooreland, OK

The City of Cologne is very interesting. God will teach us many things here as we minister to different groups of people.