Friday, July 06, 2007

AG, Meeker, OK

Hallo! Today God laid rest on my heart. Today was full of peace and much hope. God is God and He alone did great things. God also laid on me a huge ministry to be started in the U.S. and maybe even go global. Please be in prayer for affirmation! I love you all and I will see you in a few days! Zephaniah 3:17

SG, McLoud, OK

Today was really killer. At first we were a little down because of the weather and people weren’t really talking to us but then came M. Me and B played Frisbee with him for a while and got to share with him and he’s coming back tomorrow.

MBB, Temple, OK

I really feel as if the Lord wanted us to be sowing seeds today. Personally I was able to talk with 2 different guys and I feel as if our talks were productive. After prayer walking the two of us were able to engage a gentleman and an opppurtunity produced itself. He asked us about what we knew and we have a meeting with him again tomorrow. What a wonderful day!


Bueno fam, God was really amazing today. I was ablt to talk to some more kids today. I am ready to see you on Sunday. You better be there early. Well, I will talk to you later. Love ya!


Hey guys! Today was amazing! God is showing me so much. Today He was just asking me to be still and embrace Him which is really amazing. I have had so much on my mind today. Be praying for me constantly while I am here. This is a life changing experience and I am not coming back the same. Can’t wait to see you! I love you guys!

KH, Fort Gibson, OK

Hello. Today was rainy so we prayer walked and I talked to the two girls and the boy again. It was hard to talk because they didn’t speak very much English. My heart has changed so much I feel like a whole different person. Only one more day of prayer. But only two more days left then I’m home. I love everybody. Pray for me about me being homesick and safety on our flight. Love, K.

JLB, Claremore, OK

Hey all! Today was amazing. I did a lot of prayer walking, reading my Bible and singing. God’s love is so great. We did get to talk to some people who talked about coming back so pray about that! Thanks all! God bless! Love, J.


Today was a day that began very slowly and pretty much nothing in the first 4 hours went right. But when we got to the park we started small church and it was good. Everybody spoke up and I felt we really got a lot out of it. After that it cleared up and we all got to talk to a lot of people. Til next time.