Tuesday, July 25, 2006
BAS Newcastle, Ok
Today was so awesome! The first part of is was discouraging, and we spent it pr walking. Later though, we got to meet a guy. He was really awesome and I got to talk to him a lot. We are planning to talk to him again tomorrow, so it was a great opportunity. God is just doing something really amazing here that I can't really explain.
HC Del City, OK
Today was great! God's really been teaching me patience (I can hear you laughing mom). We didn't meet anyone til in the evening and I was starting to get very discouraged until God provided several people for us to talk to!
MAD Bethany, Ok
Today started slow but God answered our prayers literallly 5 seconds after we said them. God works in mysterious ways.
MD Ada, Ok
Today I met people from Turkey, Nigeria, Ethiopia,and many others! I played a little American football with four Turkish boys then they taught me some soccer. Pray for my team, we meet most of our contact at 18:00 so pray around 11:00 that we will meet people God's prepared.
LMB Mustang Ok
We're PR walking a lot still, but God is proving faithful. We're meeting people in a large group towards the end of the night. Our persistence is being blessed.
DMP Slidell, TX
Today was pretty good. There weren't many people out early this afternoon, but that was okay. We had an awesome discussion in SC time when we got to the park. We prayer walked and talked all afternoon. We did see some people from yesterday. After dinner L and I got to talk to 3 girls. There were some neat connections made there and we hope to meet them again tomorrow. Obedience is the key. God bless.
KDA Harrah, OK
Today has been pretty awesome! God is teaching me a lot about prayer and patience, but more prayer. Something somewhat off the subject! Hey mom and dad and bro, and everyone else- I found Turkish Delight! I'm going to bring some home for you all to try! Anywho just pray that God opens more doors for us and that He breaks the language barrier! As a group we're making a few relationships which is very good! So please pray for us!
TW Woodward, Ok
Plowed most of the afternoon then we ate. We came back out to the courtyard and started making contacts. Met people from Ethiopia and Nigeria. They said they would come back tomorrow to talk.
AJD Ninnekah, Ok
Today what we mostly did was pr walk. Our focus today was sharing the gospel and we (me and M) tried to talk to a couple of people and none of them spoke English. So, we just kept pr walking. I got pretty homesick last night and early this morning, but you can really feel God moving, not only in the awesome 134 people that came on this trip, but you can see it in the beautiful faces of the locals. I love you mommy, daddy, and sister!! I will see you in a few days! Keep pr-ing for us. Thank you and I miss you bunches!